
Diatomaceous Earth: Complicated Name, Simple Product

Diamaceous. Diamotaceous. Dy-ma-may-shus. Dytomacious. Dimaceous. Deatomayceous. Dymacious. Just what on Earth are we talking about? Here at Absorbent Products’ British Columbia head office, we have heard just about every variation of ‘diatomaceous earth’ from folks throughout North America.…

Easter Eggs & Chicks

Does anything say “Easter” like an adorable baby chick?  Second only to bunnies, chicks are the animal most often connected with Easter and the coming of the spring.  Easter eggs are a long-familiar sight this time of year,…

Environmentally Friendly Ice Melt

During the winter months it is important to keep walkways, driveways and other foot paths clear of snow and ice. But what is the best way to do this? Many ice-melting products are undesirable due to the fact…

Oil and Gas in Canada

History 1778 – Peter Pond reported the discovery of oil in Canada. The oil sands in Alberta had been used by Aboriginal people for many years as a caulking material as well as for other purposes. However, Peter Pond was…

Bentonite Clay for Emergency Roof Repair

Severe weather can cause many problems including damage to your roof. In many cases, sudden and unexpected weather creates damage that calls for emergency repair. In the case of a leak, there are many emergency repair techniques that can be…

Traveling With Pets

Traveling with a pet can be difficult therefore it is essential to plan well in advance in order to prevent any major problems . Here is a checklist to help you prepare the items you will need to take with…

What is Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria called a spirochete. It is one of the most common zoonotic (transmittable from animals to humans) diseases in the world. In dogs it is known as Canicola Disease…

Remove Skunk Odor with Stall DRY

Stall DRY Absorbent and Deodorizer is used in animal stalls, pens and cages to absorb ammonia, moisture and odors. It has been suggested, however, that Stall DRY has various other uses including as a way of removing skunk odor!…

Creative Uses for Kitty Litter

Being creative with what you have in the house can result in ideas that save time and money! Check out these clever ways to use non-clumping cat litter for more than just a litter box: 1. Spread a thin layer…

Why Does My Cat Eat Kitty Litter?

“A cat that suddenly starts eating litter is almost always sick,” says Jane Brunt, a veterinarian from Towson, Maryland. Most often when a cat begins to eat kitty litter it is due to a health condition. The cat’s instincts…

Pet Emergencies: How to Be Prepared

An emergency can happen at any time and it is important to be prepared! Knowing what to do in an emergency situation will help you to act fast and could potentially save your pet’s life! Common emergency situations with pets…

Cat Litter: Traditional vs. Clumping

Believe it or not cat litter products have only been around for approximately 63 years! Traditionally people used any material that was readily available to them including sand, garden dirt, ashes, and shredded newspaper. Then, in 1947 in the UK,…