
What Is the Difference Between Brown and White Diatomaceous Earth?

grey brown diatomaceous earth

Each deposit of diatomaceous earth is different. Currently, diatomaceous earth can be classified into the following major categories – food grade, feed grade and pool grade. Each category has its own set of specifications that must be met. While each diatomaceous earth product on the market will fall into one (or two, in the case […]

Diatomaceous Earth for Humans: What You Don’t Know

Collection of spoons

Diatomaceous earth is quickly gaining popularity as a health food product for human consumption and many people do experience various positive results. However, there are currently NO food grade diatomaceous earth products that are registered with the appropriate organizations to be sold as a health product for human consumption (although it may appear otherwise). This […]

Diatomaceous Earth for Bed Bugs

Are you looking for a safe, easy and cheap way to help get rid of bed bugs? Diatomaceous Earth is your solution! DE is nontoxic, safe to use and much cheaper than other bed bug alternatives! What is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring mineral composed of the fossilized remains of diatoms, tiny […]

How Long Does Diatomaceous Earth Take to Kill Insects?

The amount of time that it takes diatomaceous earth to kill insects varies greatly depending on factors such as particle size, temperature, relative humidity, the type of insect as well as the extent of the infestation. Diatomaceous earth may need to be left down anywhere from 1 day to a week or more in order […]

How to Control Cockroaches


Cockroaches are one of the most common insects on earth and are considered to be one of the most successful groups of animals, with their existence tracing back over 300 million years. There are approximately 3,500 species of cockroaches worldwide, 55 of which are found in the United States. Cockroaches are attracted to warm, damp […]

Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Animals?

Red Lake Diatomaceous Earth is registered as a feed additive for use in livestock feed as an anti-caking agent and pelleting aid. However, food grade diatomaceous earth is also known to work well as a natural insecticide. DE works to kill pests such as bed bugs, mites, fleas, ticks and many other crawling insects by […]

Diatomaceous Earth: Calcined vs. Non-Calcined

a crop field of wheat

Diatomaceous earth can be calcined or non-calcined. The difference between the two is very important depending on what purpose the DE is being used for. Calcined diatomaceous earth has been treated at a temperature above 1000 ºC. The purpose of this is to further harden the exoskeletons of the diatoms in order to create a […]

Diatomaceous Earth for Darkling Beetles: How to Apply

Diatomaceous earth works well to eliminate many crawling insects including darkling beetles. The following guidelines will help you to achieve the best results when applying DE-CIDE, a food grade diatomaceous earth product to your barn or poultry house. Apply the diatomaceous earth to a clean surface (if possible). Start at one end of the barn or […]

Welcome to Fly Season: Controlling Flies with Diatomaceous Earth

Controlling pests and insects is very important to livestock production. In fact, flies can cause disease, mortality and decreased growth rates in livestock. It is therefore essential that pests such as flies be controlled. All animals are vulnerable to pests, due to the fact that they are unable to escape from the insects that live outdoors and […]