The C-Quester™ Centre of Sustainable Innovation

CleanTech innovations to sequester CO2 and protect eco-systems.

If cement were a country, only China and the United States would emit more CO2 emissions.

Human Ingenuity + Volcano Power

Located in the heart of southern British Columbia’s ancient volcanic fields, we employ some of the top material scientists in the world to create innovative products using the volcanic ashes and minerals from Progressive Planet’s privately owned volcanic deposits.

With more than a dozen innovation projects now underway, we are creating CleanTech solutions to take on global challenges such as climate change, soil depletion, food shortages and restoring ecosystems.

Our mission is to create these planet-friendly products and quickly get them to market for people to use. Cleantech innovation — in concert with nature — is in our DNA.

Some of Our Current Projects

  • Developing fertilizers that enhance the availability of phosphorus in bonemeal, a natural source of phosphorus and calcium for healthy soil.
  • Developing fertilizers that add a natural source of carbon back to broad acre soils which also supply micronutrients along with a biostimulant.
  • A foliar application of monosilicic acid, the only plant available form of silica. Silicic acid reduces the need to apply pesticides and improves a plant's resistance to drought.
  • A form of ground glass pozzolan cement which is made from virgin minerals and which is designed from scratch for use in concrete, unlike PozGlass 100G which is made from post-consumer glass.
  • A cementitious powder which provides early strength (first 7 days) to concrete.
  • A blended pozzolan which optimizes the benefits of natural pozzolan and ground glass pozzolan.